Lemonthyme Wilderness Retreat evolved when long time adventurer Darryl Stafford dreamed of establishing a world class wilderness resort with a difference.

Daryl grew up with nature in his blood, working in the bush. He understood the delicate balance between the timber industry and maintaining a sustainable forest.  As an environmentalist and visionary, he searched for an amazing location that offered serenity and beauty. That location was 8 kilometres down Dolcoath Road by Bull Creek above Lake Cethana in the beautiful Cradle Mountain Valley in Tasmania’s highlands.

Building of the Lodge commenced in October, 1989.  After thirteen months of hard, dedicated labor by Daryl, Ted Birtt, his partner, and a team of skilled crafts and trades people, the lodge was completed on 20 October, 1990.

Built from predominantly full logs of Ponderosa pine, the project was, if nothing else, ambitious. The “dream” emerged through toil and perseverance, the bitterness of a Tasmanian high country winter and the courage and ingenuity of the company’s founders.

Lemonthyme Wilderness Retreat is believed to be "the largest hand crafted log cabin in the Southern Hemisphere."